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Our deli was finally restocked after over a week without cheese. Our next shipment arrives early next week, which means top ups on our soft cheeses, Burrata and some new and old favourites hitting the shelves. We will have a great and varied selection of cheeses in the deli!

Due to vacations for both myself and the Mustard Lady folks and a potential lack of staff for the week of August 27-31st, the store may be closed. We are hoping to find someone to take care of the shop, however if that isn't the case, I recommend you get to the shop to fill your cheese needs by Friday, August 25th. But stay tuned on social media @lalibertecheese for updates.

We have set the date for our 2nd Wine & Cheese event co-hosted by yours truly and Beaufort Vineyard and Winery. Join us on Sunday, September 17th @ 2pm for a curated selection of cheeses carefully paired with Beaufort's amazing wines! The process of matching the wines to the cheese is a highly technical process involving myself, my husband and the wonderful folks at Beaufort. It will entail eating a piece of cheese and then taking a sip of wine and looking for that "party in your mouth" type of feeling. I'm sure there will be some charts, some graphs and maybe even a PowerPoint presentation as we carefully sample all of the cheeses and all of the wines. Super sciency!

A reminder that our Christmas Cheese Pre-order list is out on our website. Our main holiday order goes in at the beginning of September. So this is your opportunity to pre-order your favourites for enjoying over the holiday season....which yes, I realise is super far away, and really who wants to be thinking about Christmas when we are at the start of a massive heat wave, but pre-ordering guarantees you get your favourites!

We will be bringing in limited supplies of Mont D'Or (or trying to anyway...our order was sent to the wrong place last year, so none of us were able to enjoy it). We will have a couple of options for Raclette this year, a strong and a mild one. And if there is something that you really must have for the holidays please let us know and we will do our best to get our hands on it.

And of course, don't forget to secure your Lalberté Cheese Co Advent Calendar. The best foodie gift in the valley! Delivery available from Port Hardy to Victoria!

Did you know that the Mustard Lady does charcuterie boxes? And that they use some of our specialty cheeses? If you are in need of a box of deliciousness for an event, for a romantic evening or just for an easy dinner while you binge watch something on Netflix, check them out!

The August Cheese Subscription box deadline is August 23rd @ 5pm. They will be delivered August 23/24th throughout the Comox Valley and Campbell River areas. Port Alberni folks, we hope to be back up and running with delivery again, but we are still in a holding pattern due to the highway closures.

Our In Stock page is updated with current stock as well as what is arriving next week.



I'm slowly working my way through the long list of goat cheeses available from France. P'tit Ste-Maure d'Antan Cendré was a new one. This one was good, but not my favourite. Although to be fair, it was a bit young and probably would have developed some more complex flavours if left to ripen. I'd be interested to hear from the folks who bought the last piece. It was on the chalkier side, and not as tangy as my favourites, Mothais Sur Feuille Antan, which has a thick, creamy paste and Délice de Deux Sèvre, which is creamy and melty and very similar to the Grey Owl, but with more of a "French" flavour. But, all that said, it was still a good cheese, and it looked fun. Wrinkly and grey :)

Kaamps Classic, which is a Dutch gouda style cheese made with goat's milk. So, my initial description of this cheese, done before I'd ever tasted it, was that it had a goat finish. It didn't. At all. It just tasted like cheese. And it was a good cheese. It was a favourite in the low-lactose cheese box this month and it sold out pretty quickly at the deli. We will be brining this one in regularly.



New cheese this month are the Pavé de Herve, Laguiole, Mont des Cats and Tomme des Croquants a la Truffe.

Pavé de Herve is a Belgian cheese, with a washed rind and is on the more fragrant side of things. It's paste is soft and smooth and it has a sweet flavour that becomes more pronounced and spicy with age. To be enjoyed with a dark bread and a beer.

Mont des Cats is from France and is a another washed rind cheese, with a more delicate flavour however. This cheese is produced by the Trappist monks from l'Abbaye du Mont des Cats. The cheese melts in your mouth and has subtle aromas of hay. I don't know what it is about this cheese, but I'm looking forward to it.

Laguiole is a pressed, uncooked cheese from the plateau of Aubrac region in France. Made as far back as the 12th century, it is an aromatic cheese and a key ingredient in the French dish, Aligot. This is essentially a French, cheesy mashed potatoes. It is on my list of recipes for the coming month as I pull potatoes from my garden. May I also suggest you give it a go?

Tomme des Croquants a la Truffe. There are a number of truffle options in cheese, but this is the first that I've brought in. I am hoping to bring in a Brie aux Truffes for Christmas, as well. The flavour of this is described as garlicky and slightly bitter. The truffle flavour is continuous, but the medium textured paste is cut throughout with small pieces of summer truffles. This ones a bit of a treat!

Along with the above, we have a large selection of soft goat cheese, both from Quebec and France. However, we have once again been shorted on the Grey Owl. I've brought in a couple rounds of Camarade, another Quebec goat cheese. I am going to tuck it away and let it ripen so that it develops the typical Grey Owl, melty texture. We will also have some of Pavé de L'Atelier in limited quantities.

Here is our list of in stock and soon to arrive cheese. You can pre-order online or visit the deli at the Mustard lady store, where you can also pick up some fine, locally made mustard, and some Vancouver Island based charcuterie meats (you can also add these onto your online order through our website).


Le 14 Arpents - Cow (Quebec)

Chèvre a ma Manière - Goat (Quebec)

Laliberté - Triple Cream (Quebec)

Camarade - Goat (Quebec)

Triple Crème de Charlevoix (Quebec)

Cheval Noir de L'Isle - Cow (Quebec)

Riopelle de L'isle (Quebec)

Thea Bandaged Cheddar -Sheep (Quebec)

Le Pizy (Quebec)

Bleu d'Elizabeth - Cow (Quebec)

Brie Paysan - Cow (Quebec)

Comtomme - Cow (Quebec)

Fleuron - Blue Cow (Quebec)


Burrata di Puglia - Cow (France)

Delice de Bourgogne - Cow (France)

Crémeux de Jura - Cow (France)

Mothais sur Feuille Antan - Goat (France)

Laguiole - Cow ( France)

Mont des Cats - Cow (France)

Tomme des Croquants a la Truffe - Cow (France)

Dutch Mimolette - Cow (Netherlands)

Comté 18 mth - Cow (France)

Comté 24 mth - Cow (France)

Brebirousse - Sheep (France)

Reblochon de Savoie (France)

Burrata di Puglia (France)

Chateau de Bourgogne (France)

Fourme d"Ambert AOP Les Rousses - Blue (France)

Cabécou (France)

Bleu D'Auvergne (France)

Munster (France)

St Nectaire (France)

Vacherin (France)

Morbier (France)

Butter (France)

Kaamps Classic (Netherlands)

Manchego 12 mth (Spain)

Pavé de Herve - Cow (Belgium)


Keep it Cheesy!

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